Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fathers Day

Fathers Day is bitter sweet for my family, having lost my Dad in 2003. I still celebrate with the many, many fathers I know; fathers from the church, fathers who are friends, family who are fathers. It's a time to reflect and remember some of the things I learned from my Dad. The good times, the lessons, the serious conversations we'd had. Each and every memory was a learning experience. I miss my Daddy and all his wisdom and humor.

So we went to Kevin's parents house to celebrate Fathers Day there. Kevin barbecued chicken dogs, turkey burgers, salmon burgers and he made pork ribs and short ribs too (for those of us who aren't allergic to beef).  We also had macaroni salad, deviled eggs, Thai salad, jello, ambrosia and cake. Cake for the five birthday celebrations we had as well.

Here are pictures from the event:

So then there were the birthdays. Little kids celebrate with their new masks and bubbles, clothes, dolls and make up, balls and leis. And then there's Dennis. The only adult birthday we celebrated on Sunday. Exciting stuff.
Dennis loves to fish and everything about fishing, so I made him a book and a photo panel.

then click the Newer arrow.

So all in all it was a fabulous Fathers Day! And Happy First Fathers Day tol my baby brother Dale, I  love you bunches.

Thanks for reading, Em

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ode To the Fur Babies in Our Lives

Anyone who has ever had a pet knows that they become a part of the family.  Growing up, all my family ever had were fish. So when I grew up and moved out on my own I became liberated and decided to become my version of Noah. So I figured I'd start simple with what I knew; fish. 

Now I have to tell you that I have a somewhat greater than normal flare for the dramatic, so I don't do normal or simple. I bought a tank, researched fish, checked the pH levels of the tank, then bought Spike a rubber eel or Sicilian worm.

Example of a rubber eel (Typhlonectes natans)

That was perfect- for awhile. I was a 15 year old full time college student who held 2 part time jobs and paid rent. No time for aquatic love. So I relied on my roommate and best friend in high school, Natalie to help when I needed it. Came home after class one day to get ready for work and Spike wasn't himself. So I opened the lid of the tank to see if he would eat and still nothing her just was there. Then I watched and he never moved. So I took the fish net, you know the bright green ones and I moved him. He was stuck in that position! The water, which was supposed to have been between 74 and 78 degrees F was cold. A goodbye and a lush to Spike, mourning for Nat and I.

Feeling bad for me, Natalie got me Esa, a kitty. Don't worry Esa lived to be 20 years old! 

There have been other pets I've had. More fish, eels, Gourami's, Bala sharks, puffer fish, tinfoil barbs, and lobsters. My boyfriend at the time, Kevin bought me an axolotl. What a conversation starter. I went and bought a mate. I named them Rosie (white) and Rover (green).

When Kevin and I got married we owned four fish tanks with all exotic species. We moved around Washington because of Kevin's job. Never too far from either parents or church but still too frequently to keep moving fish. So we consolidated to two fish tanks.

Then we decided to get Mikko.

She was a gorgeous puppy. Grew into a beautiful dog. She used to make us smile because she would climb the fence in the front yard and just people watch. Kevin and I would tell people this and they wouldn't believe us. So I got my handy dandy camera and took a few pics.

She would stay like this for almost an hour. She'd never bark unless she saw another dog. We loved her so much. 

We bought our house in Tacoma, Washington in 2008. At that time we had Mikko and gotten her brother Maverik from the Humane Society in Kent, Washington. I changed his name from Bart. He looks more like a Maverik.

We bought the house at the end of September a huge wind storm came the first 2 weeks in November. The wind knocked over trees and fences everywhere. Kevin grabbed Maverik and put him in the house he went back out to grab Mikko and she ran into the street and got hit  by a car. Kevin rushed her to vet which is 2 blocks away from our house, but she didn't make it. He had to call me at work. I was inconsolable.

                                                            RIP Mikko

So today we have Ursula, a Morey eel, Maverik, a beagle, and Lilly, a beagle.

This post started so I could segue into discussing my Father in laws Fathers Day gift. He lost a best friend less than a year ago, his beloved minpin, Scooby Doo. So I figured I would put a pictorial  together as a tribute to their relationship.

                       RIP Scooby Doo

Thank you all for looking. God bless you.

So I have been into making cards a lot more than usual lately, especially since it was Mothers Day and Fathers Day and well, 'tis the season I suppose. :)

Here are just a few of my favorite cards.

Thanks for looking. Blessings, Em

An Introduction......

My name is Elisha or I go by Alex. I am 33 years old and have been crafting since I can remember.
Lately I have found solace in my crafty work. I have been a hard working woman from the time I was 14 and got my first paying job.  Graduated high school at 15, went to live with a roommate and went to Evergreen State College. Moved from Olympia, WA to Seattle, WA at 18. Married the love of my life at 23, bought our house at 29 and had to become "retired" at 30.

56 days after I turned 30 I began to get migraines. I have had them in the past, maybe 1 every 10-12 months. These were different. Went to see my doctor at the hospital where I worked. Most nurses self diagnose and medicate. I had been taking Advil, Aleve, Excedrin Migraine for over a week by the time my appointment came. Doctor gave me a new medicine to try for a few days, I was good to go.  Went to work like normal, took the new medicine as prescribed. Was feeling much better. My day off came and I kissed the husband goodbye in the morning when he left for work, everything was fine. Went to go into the bathroom to brush my teeth a few hours later and fell in the hall. I couldn't move. When I was finally able to move I went into the bathroom to see if my face was still attached because when I finally was able to get up off the floor, the right side of my face felt like it was falling off. I IMMEDIATELY called my doctor. 

He said he would see me as soon as I got there. The hospital is 45 miles away from our home. I drove and made it there about 45 minutes later (no traffic, all freeway).  Long story short; 9 hours in the ER, 1 week in house on the medical floor. No one knew what was wrong. My doctor said I'd had a stroke. Come to find out after a 5 month stay at 4 different hospitals, that I in fact have had over 24 strokes. It's called Moya Moya Disease.

My "cure" was to have brain surgery. I had my first brain surgery on the left side September 16,2009. The thing I was most worried about was that I'd have a funky shaped head after they shaved it!  My husband was there, my Mom has always been by my side and my brother was there. The surgery went well. They put me in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) for 2 days before I died.  My neurosurgeon said, it could be years before I had to have the right side done. He's a great doctor, but he was wrong. I had stroked in the ICU bed and coded. Surgery for my right side was set for October 1, 2009.

Here are a few pictures:

Pictures 1-5 are from my first surgery 9/16/09.  The 6th is from after surgery number 2.

I wrote all that to say this, I am so thankful to be alive! God has purpose for each and every one of us.
I, like most of you, have a story to tell. I want to leave something for my family to remember me by. I want to preserve and capture daily memories, special events, life changing activities.

I believe in this. I believe in God. Because of Him today, I'm alive and healthy!!

Kevin, my husband has been charged with being my provider, caretaker and best friend. Without Kevin, I never would have made it this far.

I am not without challenges though. The dexterity in my right hand is gone so I can no longer grasp a pen to even write. My foot doesn't work like it used to and I have to actively think before I use my right side to do things. I would complain yet I KNOW how blessed I am. I worked in the hospital. I've seen first hand how even 1 stroke has affected people. Body debilitated, impaired their speech, their walk, their minds, even killed them, just from ONE! Ive had over 24! Again I say, I am blessed!!! As long as I keep working and giving God the glory I WILL be healed, completely.

So I've been seeing how everyone now a days has blogs. I have often thought about creating one but the truth is I don't think I have anything new to say that people cant just google, lol.

I LOVE creating and watching YouTube videos and tutorials. My YouTube channel is EMoran78.

Hope to see you guys there. Thank you for taking the time to read my first post.

Blessings, Em